Selasa, 23 Desember 2008


Penutupan akhir tahun 2008 ini sungguh diluar dugaan, dengan berbagai jadwal yang padat karena harus pergi pulang ke Jakarta. Waktu yang mepet juga dalam persiapan, tetapi anugerah dari Allah SWT sungguh "sangat" berlimpah sehingga bisa berbagi dengan banyak rekan-rekan.
Dengan dipercaya kembali untuk meng "EO" acara yang lumayan besar, dimana peserta lebih dari 400 orang. Walau rekan-rekan terlihat kepayahan di akhir acara, tetapi dengan hasil yang ada, bisa memberi dorongan untuk tetap berkiprah dan menanti tantangan tahun depan. Banyak hal-hal positif dan trik-trik yang bisa kita serap setiap meng"EO" acara-acara ini, dimana kita memang harus tetap meng"upgrade' diri agar layanan semakin "yahud" dan pelanggan semakin puas. Kerja sama dalam team adalah salah satu kunci suksesnya acara.....

Semoga tahun depan kita bisa lebih berkembang, banyak pelanggan yang balik dan menceritakan hal yang baik dari layanan kita ke rekan-reka mereka....


Suatu expressi lahiriah setiap manusia, campuran dari ketiga expresi tersebut membuat dinamika kehidupan semakin terasa. Acara di Sheraton saat Jogja Onkology Summit, bermanfaat banyak buat team suport system, mereka benar-benar bisa jalan dan mengaplikasikan ilmunya.

Expresi dari masing-masing wajah saat menghadapi berbagai masalah apalagi "deg-deg' an jika ada trouble koneksi dengan laptop pembicara sangat "berharga" sekali, karena andai kata dipasang alat EKG, irama jantung bisa bikin kaget.

Tapi inilah nilai dari pekerjaan yang kita hadapi....., dibalik kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan...

PASTI...., tdk bisa di TAWAR lagi....

Minggu, 23 November 2008


Acara Jogja Onkology Summit, sebagai wahana aplikasi dari sytem yang kita punya. BARCODE sytem dalam absensi sangat memudahkan peserta dan panitia, karena tdk ada lagi acara antri untuk tanda tangan absen setiap acara symposium dimulai.

Semoga awal dari penggunaan aplikasi ini bisa "menular" ke acara lain dan sytem-sytem lain yang lebih komplek....


Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008


Setelah vakum selama bulan Sept, dibulan Oktaber ini kami di percaya untuk membantu mensukseskan acara Syposium Perhimpunan Nefrologi Indonesia. Orang "awam" melihat sebagai perkumpulan dokter-dokter ahli penyakit dalam, khususnya yang menangani ginjal dan penyakit darah tinggi. Secara keseluruhan SUKSES acara ini, berkat dari Kehendak-Nya, dan kerja sama antar team di awal hingga acara berakhir.

Sebagai catatan penting dalam acara tersebut, kita bisa banyak mengambil hikmahnya dari masalah yang timbul sebelum acara dimulai sampai saat acara akan dimulai.

Persiapan sampai dengan pukul 01:00 dini hari, dimana LCD 4500 Lumens, mengalami error ("blingking") saat disetting, adaptor laptop terbakar, "sinyal" yang kurang kuat di monitor LCD moderator sehingga menyebabkan berkedip. Dari setiap masalah, alhamdulillah.... bisa dicarikan jalan keluar sehingga acara tetap berjalan lancar.

Akhir semua itu, kita semakin yakin bahwa "pengalaman adalah guru yang terbaik" karena kita bisa benar-benar merasakan dan mengalami.

Senin, 08 September 2008


Program Seminar ini dibuat untuk mempermudah penyelenggara me-manage suatu Event / Seminar / Workshop dari saat pendaftaran, berlangsungnya acara, Nilai Peserta sampai ke penagihan ke setiap sponsor

Keistimewaan Software ini, antara lain :

  • ID Peserta bisa dilakukan manual dan bisa digenerate dari system
  • Pencarian data bisa lebih cepat
  • Mudah dioperasikan
  • Dapat dilakukan secara on line dengan menggunakan koneksi Internet ( Kecepatan tergantung koneksi internet yang digunakan )
  • Registrasi Peserta, dengan mengeluarkan Nota Pendaftaran yang ter Barcode. 1 Workshop bisa mempunyai lebih dari status kepesertaan
  • Pencetakan Name Tag ( Barcode ) berdasarkan Nota pendaftaran dari Peserta. Pencetakan Name Tag telah ter log di system dan dapat dikeluarkan Report daftar peserta yang mencetak NameTag
  • Pencetakan Kuitansi, Nota Hotel, Voucher Hotel, Form Registrasi
  • Daftar Peserta yang belum lunas dan dapat langsung dibuatkan Surat Penagihan
  • Absensi Peserta dengan menggunakan Barcode dari Name Tag Peserta yang bisa di link kan dengan Nilai peserta. System dapat mencegah Peserta absen untuk mengikuti acara/Workshop yang waktunya bersamaan
  • Retur
  • Pencetakan Sertifikat dengan memperhatikan status pembayaran peserta dimana peserta yang belum lunas sertifikat tidak bisa dicetak
  • History Keikut sertaan Peserta terhadap Workshop-workshop yang diikuti beserta dengan Nilai-nilainya
  • Peng Access-an data sesuai dengan login yang diberikan
  • Jumlah Data tidak terbatas

Peralatan yang dibutuhkan

Barcode Scanner & Printer Laserjet

Komputer Client

  • Komputer min. P3
  • Ram 256
  • HD 20GB
  • XP Pro

Komputer Server

  • Komputer min. P4
  • Ram 512
  • HD 40GB
  • XP Pro ( Maks. 10 Client yang terhubung ), Win 2000 / 2003 Server
  • IIS ( Internet Information Service )
  • Sql Server 2000

Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008


Event : Seminar od Rheumatology, Osteophorosis & Phytopharmaca Update I 2008
Tempat : Melia Hotels of Yogyakarta
Peralatan yang digunakan :
1. 3 Buah LCD Projectors
2. 6 Buah Laptop
3. 1 Buah Handycam

Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008

Supporting Jogja Liver Cirrhosis Meeting 2008

Sebagai Event Pertama dalam skala besar, kita masih uji coba berbagai cara....
Sungguh memang sangat deg-degan tdk bisa lepas dari dada ini.

Event : Jogja Liver Cirrhosis Meeting 2008
Tempat : Garuda Hotel of Yogyakarta
Peralatan yang digunakan :
1. 5 Buah laptop
2. 3 Buah LCD Projector
3. 1 Buah LCD Monitor
4. 1 units of Handycam.

Doa, dan segala usaha menjadi pendorong sehingga bisa terlaksana dengan baik event pertama kali ini. Kami "trial & error" dan ternyata hasilnya tdk mengecewakan.

Terima kasih all.........

Heart Attack Seminar At Saphir Hotel Yogyakarta

Event : Heart Attack Seminar
Tempat : Saphir Hotel of Yogyakarta
Peralatan yang digunakan :
1. 1 Buah laptop
2. 1 Buah LCD Projector

Supporting Telkom for Seminar

Event : Product Knowledge of PT. Telkom Indonesia
Tempat : Telkom Office Branch Yogyakarta.
Peralatan yg digunakan :
1. 2 Units LCD Projector
2. 1 Units Laptop

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2008

Top Must Have Laptop Accessories

Every year, before schools and college institutions begin their classes, students from around the country visit department stores and major electronics chains in an effort to get all those necessities that will allow them to complete successfully their studies. So, if you have recently been accepted to college and you are not exactly sure which your computing needs will be, buying a notebook computer is not a luxury purchase, but actually a necessity.

There is a wide range of accessories available for laptop notebooks that make working with your notebook computer so much easier.

Some of the top must have accessories for laptops are:

Laptop Backpacks: These very functional and practical laptop carriers are a terrific option for students or business people who travel. The versatility of a backpack allows much more storage room that a traditional laptop carrying case. In addition they are water resistant and come in a wide variety of colors and designs.

Laptop extended use batteries: This laptop notebook accessory is a must for computer users who will be away from a power supply for extended periods of time. These batteries will last well over an average workday and still have power left over.

Laptop AC Adapter: This part, like the batteries, is an essential element of your machine and is also the cause of a great number of breakdowns. Indeed, one of the elements most fragile of your laptop is the AC connector, i.e. the connector female in which comes to plug in the plug of your AC adapter. That often occurs by stage, initially light poor contact, as you move the cable in all the directions to find the current, the connector is torn off definitively, or the produced sparks roast the motherboard.

Where to buy these AC Adapter or Laptop AC Adapter and charger Online. via sourcingmap. then you can find what you want in 10 minutes or less!

The Laptop Computer - Some Basic Knowledge If You Are a Newbie

Laptop computers are great portable offices, and as technology increases and speeds of computers increase, we are seeing battery life also increase and provide longer usage time with out the need to be "plugged in". They are more fragile than desktop computers, so they tend to have a much shorter operational lifespan. Why a much shorter operational lifespan? Because you'll be carrying it around with you from room to room or even country to country so the poor thing is bound to have a few accidents along the way.

Laptop computers generally have two main parts, a display screen housing hinged to a keyboard housing and come in all different weights, sizes, and speeds. They take up less space on the desktop and can easily be moved aside to make room for other endeavors.

Laptops are purchased for personal use, business use, or both and have built-in keyboards with a touchpad or a pointing stick for input and ease of use. Usually they run on a single main battery or from an external AC/DC adapter that charges the battery whilst also supplying power to the computer itself even in the event of a power failure. Inside are components which are similar to their desktop counterparts and perform the same functions, but are miniaturized and optimized for mobile use and efficient power consumption, although typically less powerful for the same price.

Do bear in mind that laptops are generally prized targets of theft, and theft of these can lead to more serious problems such as identity theft from stolen credit card numbers. Being vulnerable to theft means the possible loss of all data contained on them. Also of course, due to their small size and mobility, they are much harder to secure than desktop computers.

Laptop computers generally cost more than desktop computers with the same capabilities because they are more difficult to design and manufacture. Remember, they are great tools for teaching and learning.

Comfortable and useful on vacation, these machines are going everywhere these days. They are very popular information products today as they are light, compact, and convenient to carry around and may store voluminous information. So if you want or need one, then get one! But don't let it out of your sight or it might just walk. Just use the common sense that you already have.

John Milligan.

For your laptop computer please visit the above site and scroll down to the superb Amazon Store and select Laptops. You won't be disappointed.

An excellent resource for all those consoles and games you've ever wanted, including the Nintendo Wii, Wii Fit, ps3, xbox 360 and Ipod Nano 8GB and lots more. No searching all over the web for different bargains. There's loads of choice here with all the top sellers and best prices. You certainly will not be disappointed.

So, if you're hungry for that bargain console, game or accessory, then go to the website, have a good browse and enjoy your shopping experience.

An Introduction To LCD Projectors

A projector is an apparatus for presenting an enlarged image on a screen from a transparency such as a photographic slide or a film. In a motion picture projector, each frame is held stationary at an illuminated aperture for a brief period, and then advanced by an intermittent sprocket or reciprocating claw, the light being cut off by a rotating shutter during the movement. The sound track on the film is reproduced at a separate sound head where the film is moved continuously at a constant speed.

LCD projectors come with the capacity to deliver high-definition pictures with high pixel density. Most of the LCD projectors are compact and lightweight; most of the advanced LCD projectors even use two-inch poly silicon panels. These panels (an advanced LCD projector might have TFT panels) help to produce high-quality images with a high-definition quality of about 1,000 scanning lines.

Most of the ordinary and average LCD screens have a screen ratio of 4:3. However, in some cases, an LCD might also have a screen ratio of 16:9. Images are projected on to a super-large screen. Some of the salient features of a compact, lightweight LCD projector are:

1. The utilization of three high-definition two-inch poly silicon TFT LCD

panels are key elements in the production of the three RGB basic colors.

2. Images of high ratio contrast are produced. Usually the image contrast is 400:1.

3. A good LCD projector adds to the normal brightness by about 40% over most other conventional and ordinary LCD video projectors. These LCD projectors use a high-transparency LCD panel for the above purpose.

For example, one of the recent high-quality LCD projectors is the Fujitsu LPF-D711 high-definition LCD projector for home theater.

Projectors provides detailed information on Projectors, LCD Projectors, DLP Projectors, Video Projectors and more. Projectors is affiliated with DVD Projector Rentals.

Article Source:

Projector Technologies - LCD, DLP and LCOS

LCD, DLP and LCOS are three projector technologies which are predominantly used in schools, colleges and corporate houses for giving presentations, watching videos, classroom teaching, product training etc. LCD projectors use LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) technology to display text and image on an interactive whiteboard or other projection screen. They are also known as multimedia projectors as they can display both text and images from PC, TV and video recorders. They can work with all types of notebooks and desktops. The projection can be of SVGA or XGA resolution.

SVGA means 800 * 600 resolutions whereas XGA means 1024 * 768 screen resolution. A digital image is made up of dots or pixels. A resolution is the size of the digital image which is expressed in width * Height. For e.g.: 800 * 600 resolution means, an image is 800 pixels wide and 600 pixels in height. The projector brightness is measured in ANSI (American National Standard Institute) Lumens.

The DLP and LCOS projectors are also considered to be a type of LCD projector although they use DLP (Digital Light Processing) and LCOS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon) technologies for video projection. LCD technology is best for computer use and DLP is best for projecting videos. LCD delivers better color saturation, sharper image and is more light efficient than DLP. The DLP projectors are smaller and lighter than LCD and produce higher contrast videos.

LCOS technology is best for very high resolutions. Its projectors are bigger and heavier than LCD and DLP and generally cost more. One practical application of LCD technology is its use by teachers when training students to use software by capturing the image say 'Screen of MSWord' from a computer screen and projecting it on the interactive whiteboard so that all the students can see what is going on the computer screen. Some projector accessories are: cabinets, cases, ceiling mount kits, cables, lens, lamps, remote control, projection screen, stands, trolleys, digital microscope, visualizers etc.

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